I won't cry, no, I won't shed a tear.
I guess it's time for you to head on out. Good thing I've compiled a list of lovely sites that you might want to visit. :) In this section, you can find my affiliates and a list of collectives that I admire, as well as buttons you can use to link back here if you so choose. If you have a collective and would like to affiliate with mine, drop me a message at hieica[at]yahoo.com! I would love to meet new people with similar interests.After-death.org owned by Samantha
♥ Paint it Black, Resonance, Stormfall
Samantha is one of my more recent online friends, and she is amazing. I've been visiting her websites for years now, and I'm glad we finally started talking and affiliated. Her designs are both nostalgic and unique, her content is high-quality, and she has tons of different interests. I am always amazed at her ability to continuously pump out these wonderful and inspiring websites. Samantha is really fun to talk to and she is very kind and helpful. You should definitely drop by her sites and see her work in person.
Overskill.org owned by Kula
♥ Paper Planes, Uchuu
Kula has consistently been a huge inspiration to me. Her designs are absolutely gorgeous and awe-inspiring. She has an amazing eye and is incredibly talented, with tons of subjects she finds interesting across a variety of media. We have a lot of these interests in common, and I'm happy to say that I am her affiliate. Her tribute Paper Planes is beautiful and astoundingly in depth, and her passion for her interests is apparent whether it's a tribute or a fanlisting. Her work is definitely worth a visit.
Rigelatin.net owned by Dubiousdisc
♥ Sundown, I AM2, The Gifts of Darkness
I think I may have found my long-lost twin the day I met Dubiousdisc :x We both love creating artwork, making shrines, imagining robot pets, and Pokémon, amongst a multitude of other things. I think Dubiousdisc is absolutely hilarious as well, as you can tell from the content and comments my twin makes on my livejournal account and such. If you want great content, amazing designs, absolutely amazing artwork, and a few laughs as well, you should definitely visit this great and unique collective. :D
Shinkirou.net owned by Aku
♥ Long Live the King, Mind Your Sugar Levels, Duality
Aku is literally one of my biggest inspirations when it comes to designing. I've been visiting her sites for years, and have never been anything short of amazed. Her layouts are simply stunning, and her written content across her multiple tributes is detailed and interesting. Whenever I need to be inspired, Aku's websites are my first stop. On top of all of that, Aku is a fun and interesting person to talk to. I am ecstatic to know her and be her affiliate. If you haven't been to her collective before, it's definitely worth visiting!
Just as long as you stand, stand by me.
Here is a variety of buttons in many sizes that you can use to link back to this website if you'd like to. Please save them and upload them to your own server and link back to http://www.jinkaku.org. Thank you for your visit!